He is most definitely the most deserving of the award. I know that's a really cliche thing to say in Oscar season, but he has been a long time coming. I haven't seen "The Fighter" but I hear great things and he has posted solid performances before this one. Also, he's is probably the best Batman ever. How can you not love him as Batman? People always say he does the Batman voice crappy, which I can agree with, but that is no reason to dislike his entire performance, because he is solid in every other aspect. And I' ma huge fan of the Tim Burton movies, and Michael Keaton is a close second as Batman (Like Jack Nicholson's Joker is to Heath Ledger.) I think people don't like him in general, and thats the reason he hasn't gotten it yet. He apparently yelled at that guy on set and had some family problems, but I think those things are blown way of of proportion. He kind of made up for it by being the only good sport at the Golden Globes by knowing how to take a joke. Ricky Gervais was hilarious. And he had that awesome Jesus beard. I mean he was even good in the crap-fest that was "Reign of Fire". And "Swing Kids". I had to watch that for a high school social studies class and it sucked.I still haven't seen all of his performances, notably"The Machinist" and "The Prestige". But come on people, he is obviously one of the hardest working actors in the business right now. He even puts on and takes off all that weight. So Christian Bale should be given the Oscar and get the honor he so rightly deserves. Also, I can't wait until "The Dark Knight Rises".
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